Note: This akathist’s translation reads quite awkward and is unclear in several places. Should you have a better translation, or know of the original, please reach out to us at [email protected].
Kontakion 1
Chosen from the ancient dynasty of the kings of the Bagratids, a wonderful Georgian country decoration and conqueror of Islam, and the widespread dissemination of the Christian faith to the planting lady, temples, fortresses and monasteries, and the Word of God to the preacher, Rejoice, holy great blessed Tamara, warrior of the Christian faith.
Ikos 1
All the red of the world for the neglect and the grandfather of her Tsar David III, the follower of the Christian faith and its renewer throughout the country of Georgians, holy great Tamara, recalling such strong and strong your faith, we bring you this singing:
Rejoice, you despised all earthly good and red world.
Rejoice, you who loved Christ from youth with all your heart and with all your soul.
Rejoice, follower of the Christian faith, King David III.
Rejoice, co-ruler with Father George III.
Rejoice, enlightened many people of the Svanetian region in Christianity.
Rejoice, you built the temples of the Lord in Svaneti.
Kontakion 2
Seeing the Almighty Lord about your zeal for the faith of Christians, sending help to you to defeat the Muslim faith of the Roman Sultanate of Ruki-ed-Din, why we wondering, grateful to God who arranged this, we sing: Alleluia.
Ikos 2
Reason Saint Tamara is all-praised, for you and for others it is soulful to gain zeal, day and night from the merciful God diligently asked for victory over the Islamic faith, while the humane God heeded your prayer, giving victory, just for the sake of crying to you like this:
Rejoice, blessed Tamara, having successfully achieved victory according to your desire and God’s will.
Rejoice, O many spiritual, good and soulful treasures from God.
Rejoice, you who built many temples in the land of Iverstei.
Rejoice, for you have strengthened many Christians with your love of wisdom.
Rejoice, borders of the country to your expander.
Rejoice, the builder of canals, roads, networks, water pipelines.
Rejoice, great organizer of monasteries.
Rejoice, the planter of monuments of architecture, painting, literature and science.
Rejoice, holy great blessed Tamara, warrior of the Christian faith.
Kontakion 3
The power of the Vyshnyago dwells in your pure heart, blessed Queen Tamara, fired up with love, and in the historical battle near Basiani, win. And in our country, for your wise reign, having won the love of the whole people, the same you see your zeal, we sing to the Most High God: Alleluia
Ikos 3
Having a great desire to renew the Christian faith throughout Iberia, the holy queen asked for strength from the Lord God, and strengthen us who fall to you with her faith, who desire diligently to pet and sing your name:
Rejoice, heard by the Most High in his prayer.
Rejoice, for you have received strength from the Lord.
Rejoice, serving God and the Mother of God, most of all you have loved with all your heart.
Rejoice, for you have presented an image of humility to all old and young.
Rejoice, praised and revered by all your virtues more than your peers.
Rejoice, for you called the time of your reign a golden age.
Rejoice, in the whole world, who had glory, praised and glorified.
Rejoice, for you did not count your reign for anything.
Rejoice, adorned with bright garments from God.
Rejoice, for having the gifts of miracles.
Rejoice, holy great blessed Tamara, warrior of the Christian faith.
Kontakion 4
Thou art insurmountable from the disgusting unrest, blessed Tamara, desiring to ceaselessly work for the Lord, prostrating for great labors, leaving the royal throne, spent Vardzi in the cave monastery, chanting to God: Alleluia.
Ikos 4
Hearing, blessed Tamara, about our fleeting life, you laid the monastic image on yourself, and we are thinking, so we appeal to you:
Rejoice, for you have imputed your reign to the salvation of your soul.
Rejoice, follower of the monastic life.
Rejoice, in the Vardzi cave monastery, you have built a church for yourself.
Rejoice, cell that you had through the window with the temple.
Rejoice, for you have offered prayers from the window to the temple during the divine services.
Rejoice, worldly storms, excitements and rebellions in the silence of the mudra.
Rejoice, you who have kindly instructed everyone in a salvation haven.
Rejoice, who pacifies the enemies of vacillation in the mudra.
Rejoice, receiving under your protection and motherly protection.
Rejoice, holy great blessed Tamara, warrior of the Christian faith.
Kontakion 5
The Epiphany star in the country of Iverstei, enlightening many with the rays of its shrine, and instructing on the path of theology of God, this God’s will is good in sight, we sing gratefully to the All-Merciful God: Alleluia.
Ikos 5
Having seen many, your God-pleasing life, they crush their hearts remembering: “I will not wipe out the one who comes to Me,” with the same we crown you with a song:
Rejoice, queen, who distinguished herself for high piety.
Rejoice, the continuer of all the undertakings of King George.
Rejoice, promoting the widespread dissemination of faith, art and spiritual culture throughout the country.
Rejoice, commanding the Iberian troops successfully to victory.
Rejoice, victorious over the seven Muslim faiths.
Rejoice, for you encourage all Christians with your victories.
Rejoice, all your followers, strengthening you by deed and fervent prayer to God.
Rejoice, you who are afflicted by those who are oppressed, who affirms with sudden help.
Rejoice, calling all Christians with a cheerful eye.
Rejoice, holy great blessed Tamara, warrior of the Christian faith.
Kontakion 6
We preach and everywhere praise your name, holy blessed queen, towards the end of earthly life non-possessiveness in a sealed cave continued, wondering at your patience, mortifying your body, praising God with a song: Alleluia.
Ikos 6
Ascensions in the Iberian church region, the great great Tamara, having imprisoned herself in a cave, the surrounding countries have also illuminated and enlightened, and the hearts of many are to do good deeds, about this, blessing God, we bring you our singing:
Rejoice, you still have wise rule of the country as a queen.
Rejoice, in the cell from God acquiring grace.
Rejoice, educator in the bustle of those living.
Rejoice, managing the good life of beginners.
Rejoice, strengthening of those who are weary and shaken by despondency.
Rejoice, affirmation of all in hard work.
Rejoice, great Iberia organizer.
Rejoice, vigilant guardian of a pure and immaculate life.
Rejoice, wise guide to all those who are pious and godly wanting to live.
Rejoice, holy great blessed Tamara, warrior of the Christian faith.
Kontakion 7
Although the all-good enemy will create an obstacle to your good undertaking by sending the ruler of the Roman Sultanate in 1204 with the demand that Iberia renounce Christianity and accept Islam, you, the good queen Tamara, rejected this demand, and in the battle near Bassiani defeated the cunning of the enemy, about which you rejoiced, We sing gratefully to God: Alleluia.
Ikos 7
Holy blessed Tamara perceived a new work and a new feat in her cave life, in the prayer temple Vardzi built by you, the most zealous service to Christ God, and we are looking at you with clever eyes, constantly crying out to you:
Rejoice, you victorious over the treacherous Christian enemy.
Rejoice, having attained the monastic dwelling of the cave.
Rejoice, guardian of monastic abodes.
Rejoice, you who built 365 caves and the Vardzi temple.
Rejoice, you who have won many legends about your eternal life.
Rejoice, faithful performer of God’s commandments.
Rejoice, unconstrained ascetic in monastic labors.
Rejoice, warm prayer book for us.
Rejoice, holy great blessed Tamara, warrior of the Christian faith.
Kontakion 8
A strange and sorrowful life, working for the only God, for this sake we, too, to God, who taught you and made you understand, we always sing: Alleluia.
Ikos 8
All your care, beloved Queen Tamara, who resists the all-evil kind of Christian enemy, and his proud head is trampled, the common Creator is glorified. With the same, the Glory of God ascends from your cell and illuminates all the ends of the earth, for the sake of such a commendable singing we reward you:
Rejoice, working for the One God.
Rejoice, steadfastly humbling the enemies of pride.
Rejoice, adorned with deep humility and meekness.
Rejoice, bestowed with Wisdom from God.
Rejoice, having spent the last years of your life in unceasing prayer.
Rejoice, peacefully passed away life on earth.
Rejoice, companion to the face of the holy righteous ranks.
Rejoice, holy great blessed Tamara, warrior of the Christian faith.
Kontakion 9
Every human mind, looking at your wretched and humble life, who has abandoned the royal throne and all earthly honors, rewarding greatness, thanksgiving to the Most High God, glorifying His benevolence, and knowing many from the murderous paths and leading the way of salvation to the instructor, teaching the Creator and Providence to petition.
Ikos 9
Trampling everything in this world, and hating a kind of useless confusion, and our souls teach this, holy blessed Tamara, for such your blessing, accept our usual veneration:
Rejoice, brave contemptress, peace and all its sweets, beauties and delights.
Rejoice, steward of meekness and self-control.
Rejoice, saving yourself by silence and by eliminating yourself from the world.
Rejoice, for you do not wear soft and light garments.
Rejoice, instead of the food you have chosen, you have shone forth by fasting for many days and mortifying your body.
Rejoice, instead of the royal sweet drink, you soaked yourself with tears of the heart.
Rejoice, holy great blessed Tamara, warrior of the Christian faith.
Kontakion 10
To save many people, mercifully await all conversion and salvation, Merciful God show you to the Iberian country, like a hurry of orthodoxy, exciting us with a pure heart to sing to you and to God: Alleluia.
Ikos 10
The wall is solid and a strong fence appears, holy faithful Tamara, giving a helping hand to everyone who zealously flows to you, and for such your benevolent gratitude we reward you singing:
Rejoice, the needy ambulance.
Rejoice, merciful nurse who hungers.
Rejoice, clothing and shelter of the deprived are a cover and refuge.
Rejoice, wise healer with sicknesses.
Rejoice, ambulance exorcist of all misfortunes and sorrows.
Rejoice, warm defender flowing to you with faith.
Rejoice, holy great blessed Tamara, warrior of the Christian faith.
Kontakion 11
We bring you singing, holy great faithful Tamara, to the glorification of your exploits and labors, but we see God’s will, we bring you this little prayer of ours from all sin and defilement with your prayers, cleanse it every day and every hour with a pure heart: Alleluia.
Ikos 11
Filled with God’s grace and from the country of Iberian glorified holy, great faithful queen, pray to God for us sinners who glorify you with love:
Rejoice, performer of all virtues.
Rejoice, beautiful and wonderful dwelling of the Holy Spirit.
Rejoice, for all God-pleasing deeds, a well-made receptacle.
Rejoice, for you have pleased the Creator and God in your temporary living.
Rejoice, during your lifetime you had the glory of the whole people.
Rejoice, towards the end of the sowing of your temporary and arduous life, you have perfectly prepared yourself.
Rejoice, both entered into the heavenly dwelling, and with the face of the saints.
Rejoice, holy great blessed Tamara, warrior of the Christian faith.
Kontakion 12
The All-Blessed God has given grace to the south, from his treasures bestowed upon you, for valiant diligence and deeds, as if you are pleasing and kind to God, and endlessly gaining reward for yourself in heavenly villages, ceaselessly singing to God: Alleluia.
Ikos 12
Singing your victory over the Muslim coalition and your silent everyday care, we praise the painful labors and deeds, we honor the all-night vigils and chanting prayers:
Rejoice, in heavenly glory, made like an angel.
Rejoice, companion to the face of the faithful.
Rejoice, with all the saints who have pleased God who have pleased God, participation and inheritance.
Rejoice, by the sweet and blessed of the Most Holy Trinity, by sight, I will take out full satisfaction.
Rejoice, you righteously honored the inheritance of inexpressible blessings for the righteous from the ages.
Rejoice, holy great blessed Tamara, warrior of the Christian faith.
Kontakion 13
Oh, holy great faithful Tamara! Accept this our prayer, by us, unworthy, offered from love. Observe from all hostile slander and attacks intact and for a long time those who flow to you with faith and love, save us from all troubles, sorrows and misfortunes, so we thankfully sing about you to our God and our Savior: Alleluia.
(Repeat the above Kontakion 13, 3 times)
(Then continue below)
Ikos 1
All the red of the world for the neglect and the grandfather of her Tsar David III, the follower of the Christian faith and its renewer throughout the country of Georgians, holy great Tamara, recalling such strong and strong your faith, we bring you this singing:
Rejoice, you despised all earthly good and red world.
Rejoice, you who loved Christ from youth with all your heart and with all your soul.
Rejoice, follower of the Christian faith, King David III.
Rejoice, co-ruler with Father George III.
Rejoice, enlightened many people of the Svanetian region in Christianity.
Rejoice, you built the temples of the Lord in Svaneti.
Kontakion 1
Chosen from the ancient dynasty of the kings of the Bagratids, a wonderful Georgian country decoration and conqueror of Islam, and the widespread dissemination of the Christian faith to the planting lady, temples, fortresses and monasteries, and the Word of God to the preacher, Rejoice, holy great blessed Tamara, warrior of the Christian faith.
First prayer
Oh, holy great faithful Queen Tamara! We are sinners (name) and humble, as if we diligently resort to a warm defender and an ambulance, asking for help and intercession in the abyss of plunged troubles, like for every day and hour we are from wicked people, and various diseases of the possessed, but your intercession, if great Have boldness to God, pray for us in the sorrows, needs and misfortunes of those who are, and protect us from all enemies visible and invisible, especially from demonic wiles and cunning, insolent attacks and flattering approaches, may we not be mocked and mocked by them, and With your strong help, drive them away from us, as you drove them away from the Iberian country, and confirm faithful love for God in our hearts and make me worthy. Whenever our departure from this temporary life is ripe and our transmigration to eternity, soon come to help us, and from the violence of the enemy’s freedom, as if you have eternal life, and bring our hearts to true repentance, and we will appear to be the Most Holy Trinity with foul lips and a clear conscience , glorifying and chanting Yu, with all the saints forever. Amen.
Second prayer
Oh, holy queen Tamara! Do not forget us, but remember in your holy prayers the servant of God (name), pray for us, the holy queen. Do not depart from us in spirit, save us from the arrows of the enemy, from the delusion of the demonic and the wiles of the devil. Ask for time for us to repent and pass from earth to heaven without restraint through the ordeal of bitter demons, so that through your intercession we will be delivered from eternal torment, we will be honored to inherit the Heavenly Kingdom with all the righteous who have pleased Christ our Lord from time immemorial. All glory, honor and worship, now and forever and ever, befits Him. Amen.