Kontakion 1
Plagal of Fourth Tone. To thee, the Champion Leader O thou thrice-blessed and all-worshipful Cross of Christ, all we the faithful venerate and magnify thee, being joyous at thy divine Exaltation. But as the trophy and unconquered weapon that thou art, by thy grace, protect, cover, and shelter those who cry to thee:
Rejoice, O Wood most blessed.
Ikos 1
Angels from Heaven invisibly circle the life-bringing Cross in fear; and seeing it now brilliantly shed light-bestowing grace upon the faithful, amazed they stand and cry to it such words as these:
Rejoice, O Cross, guardian of the world.
Rejoice, the glory of the Church.
Rejoice, thou that dost bountifully gush forth with healings.
Rejoice, thou that dost enlighten the ends of the earth.
Rejoice, wood fragrant with life, and treasury of wonders.
Rejoice, fitly-joined, thrice-blessed, and bestower of graces.
Rejoice, for thou art the divine footstool.
Rejoice, for thou was ordained for the worship of all.
Rejoice, bowl of nectar, full to the brim.
Rejoice, torch of the radiance above.
Rejoice, thou through whom the creation is blessed.
Rejoice, thou through whom the Creator is worshipped.
Rejoice, O Wood most blessed.
Kontakion 2
Perceiving the longing within her, Helen spake unto the Emperor boldly: The great desire of thy soul seemeth most easy to my zeal; therefore, seeking that most excellent trophy for thee as thou didst say, I cry: Alleluia.
Ikos 2
Knowing knowledge formerly unknown, the Queen called out to her attendants: From the bowels of the earth, hasten with speed to discover and give me the Cross; to which when she saw it, she spake in fear, yet crying thus:
Rejoice, the sign of veritable joy.
Rejoice, redemption from the ancient curse.
Rejoice, treasure in the earth, by envy hidden.
Rejoice, that didst appear in the stars as a sign.
Rejoice, four-rayed-beaconing and fire-like Cross.
Rejoice, ladder set on high, foreseen once of old.
Rejoice, thou tranquil-appearing wonder of Angels.
Rejoice, thou greatly-bemoaned wounding of demons.
Rejoice, welcome relic of the Word. Rejoice, quencher of deception’s fire.
Rejoice, O Cross, protector of the helpless.
Rejoice, thou the stern trainer of the victors.
Rejoice, O Wood most blessed.
Kontakion 3
The might of the Wood was then shown forth as a true pledge to all; and it raised her that was voiceless and dead to life - an awesome sight to them that shall reap salvation by singing thus: Alleluia.
Ikos 3
Holding the invincible weapon, Helen ran back to her offspring; and he gave a great leap straightway, when he looked upon the Cross most great; and he rejoiced, and with leaps as songs he cried to it such words as these:
Rejoice, O Cross, vessel of light.
Rejoice, O Cross, treasury of life.
Rejoice, bestower of the gifts of the Spirit.
Rejoice, thou storm-free port of those at sea.
Rejoice, table that holds Christ as Sacrifice.
Rejoice, vine that bearest the cluster dripping mystical wine.
Rejoice, for thou dost protect the sceptres of Princes.
Rejoice, for thou dost crush the heads of great serpents.
Rejoice, illustrious mark of the faith.
Rejoice, preservation of all the world.
Rejoice, blessing of God upon mortals.
Rejoice, mediation of mortals with God.
Rejoice, O Wood most blessed.
Kontakion 4
Receiving divine zeal within, Helen diligently sought and found the Cross hidden in the earth, though displayed in the sky to the King, who exalted it; and upon seeing it, the commonwealth cried in faith: Alleluia.
Ikos 4
Like to the sun did the Cross appear in the world, and all men were filled with its light; and running as towards a star, they viewed it as the cause of good raised up by Hands divine; and hymning it, they said:
Rejoice, dawn of the spiritual Sun.
Rejoice, fount unfailing of myrrh.
Rejoice, recall of Adam and Eve.
Rejoice, death-blow to the princes of Hades.
Rejoice, that in being exalted, thou dost now also exalt us.
Rejoice, that in being venerated, thou dost sanctify men’s souls.
Rejoice, the world-proclaimed report of the Apostles.
Rejoice, most plentiful strength of champions.
Rejoice, O Cross, reproach to the Jews.
Rejoice, thou praise to men of the Faith.
Rejoice, thou through whom Hades was cast down.
Rejoice, thou through whom grace did rise up.
Rejoice, O Wood most blessed.
Kontakion 5
Having all beheld the God-crowned Wood, let us now come under its protection; and taking it up as a weapon, with it we put our enemies’ ranks to flight; and touching Him Who is beyond touch, with our lips we cry to it: Alleluia.
Ikos 5
A light from the heaven did the Great Constantine behold, displaying the sign of the Cross in the stars, through which also he was to conquer a multitude of adversaries; he made haste to reveal the Wood, and to cry to it such words as these:
Rejoice, accomplishment of the ineffable counsel.
Rejoice, the horn of godly people.
Rejoice, thou that turnest back the ranks of our foes.
Rejoice, thou flame that burnest the demons.
Rejoice, heavenly sceptre of the faithful King.
Rejoice, invincible trophy of the Christ-loving soldiery.
Rejoice, thou that dost humble the arrogance of barbarians.
Rejoice, thou that dost care tenderly for the souls of men.
Rejoice, defence against many evils.
Rejoice, awarder of many good things.
Rejoice, thou on whose account the Christ-bearers skip.
Rejoice, thou on whose account the Jews lament.
Rejoice, O Wood most blessed.
Kontakion 6
A ladder as lofty as Heaven is the Cross of the Lord become, leading up all from earth to the height of heaven, that they might always dwell together with the choirs of Angels, abandoning things present as though they were not, and knowing to chant: Alleluia.
Ikos 6
Shining as a light upon all in Hades, O Saviour, Thou didst enlighten them that lay below, and the gate-keepers of Hades, not enduring Thy dawning, fell down as dead; but they that were delivered from them, now behold the Cross and cry:
Rejoice, resurrection of the dead.
Rejoice, consolation of them that mourn.
Rejoice, despoiling of the treasuries of Hades.
Rejoice, enjoyment of the Paradise of delight.
Rejoice, thou rod that didst drown the Egyptian hosts.
Rejoice, that in turn didst water the Israelite people.
Rejoice, living Wood, the Thief’s salvation.
Rejoice, fragrant rose, sweet scent of the godly.
Rejoice, food of the hungry in spirit.
Rejoice, seal that men have received.
Rejoice, O Cross, doorway to mysteries.
Rejoice, from which divine streams pour forth.
Rejoice, O Wood most blessed.
Kontakion 7
When Moses was about to deliver his much-troubled race from the Spoiler, thou was given to him as a rod; but thou wast made known to him also as a symbol of God; wherefore, amazed at thy sovereign might, O Cross, he cried: Alleluia.
Ikos 7
He that on Sinai gave the Law to the God-seer of old, by His own will is nailed to the Cross, lawlessly for lawless men; and He loosed the ancient curse of the Law, so that beholding the might of the Cross, we might all now cry:
Rejoice, upright of the fallen.
Rejoice, downfall of the world’s adorers.
Rejoice, inauguration of the Resurrection of Christ.
Rejoice, divine revelling of monastics.
Rejoice, tree of leafy branches, under which believers are sheltered.
Rejoice, prophet-proclaimed Wood, which hath been planted on earth.
Rejoice, alliance of the kingdom against the enemy.
Rejoice, mighty protection of the state.
Rejoice, manifestation of the just Judge.
Rejoice, condemnation of offending mortals.
Rejoice, O Cross, succour of orphans.
Rejoice, O Cross, enricher of the poor.
Rejoice, O Wood most blessed.
Kontakion 8
Seeing the strange wonder, let us live our life as strangers, lifting our minds up to Heaven; since for this was Christ affixed to the Cross, and suffered in the flesh, having willed to draw to the heights them that cry to it: Alleluia.
Ikos 8
Entire, He came down from on high, retaining His divinity, the only Word from before all ages; and being born of a Virgin Mother, He appeared to the world as a lowly man, accepting the Cross, and gave life to them that cry thereto:
Rejoice, O Cross, weapon of peace.
Rejoice, starting-point and goal of travellers.
Rejoice, wisdom and firm support of the saved.
Rejoice, folly and destruction to the damned.
Rejoice, fruitful, immortal, and life-bearing plant.
Rejoice, flower that blossomed with our salvation.
Rejoice, for thou dost join together things on earth with things above.
Rejoice, for thou dost enlighten the hearts of them below.
Rejoice, through whom corruption is banished.
Rejoice, through whom sorrow hath vanished.
Rejoice, thou myriad-numbered wealth of goods.
Rejoice, thou myriad-named boast of believers.
Rejoice, O Wood most blessed.
Kontakion 9
Fallen is the profane phalanx of demons, and the foes of Christ are put to shame, seeing that the Cross is worshipped by all with longing, as it doth ever gush forth healing to them that cry: Alleluia.
Ikos 9
The floods of the heretics’ notions were checked when Thou, O Christ, wast affixed to the Wood; for they are confounded at how Thou didst both endure the Cross and avoid corruption; but we, glorifying Thy Resurrection, cry out:
Rejoice, thou height of the wisdom of God.
Rejoice, thou depth of His providence.
Rejoice, ignorance of irrationally-rational babblers.
Rejoice, misfortune of the foolish fortune-tellers.
Rejoice, for thou dost manifest the Resurrection of Christ.
Rejoice, for thou dost revive His Passion.
Rejoice, undoer of the trespass of the first-created.
Rejoice, opener of the entrance to Paradise.
Rejoice, O Cross, revered by all.
Rejoice, adversary of faithless nations.
Rejoice, O Cross, healer of the sick.
Rejoice, constant help of them that cry.
Rejoice, O Wood most blessed.
Kontakion 10
With the purpose of saving the world, the Lord of the world ineffably descended into it, and submitted to the Cross; and being God, for us He accepteth all that accordeth to our state; wherefore, having also redeemed us, He heareth from all: Alleluia.
Ikos 10
Rampart of the inhabited world, O life-giving Cross, impregnable and divine, do we perceive thee to be; for the Creator of heaven and earth Who prepared thee doth stretch out His hands - O strange report! - and doth teach all to proclaim:
Rejoice, foundation of godliness.
Rejoice, conquest of the promised land.
Rejoice, thou that dost put the spiritual Amalek to flight.
Rejoice, thou that wast prefigured by the hands of Jacob.
Rejoice, for thou didst transmute the ancient shadows.
Rejoice, for thou dist fulfil the prophetic utterances.
Rejoice, thou that didst carry the Saviour of all.
Rejoice, thou that didst destroy the corrupter of souls.
Rejoice, through whom we are united with Angels.
Rejoice, through whom we are illumined by light.
Rejoice, for with honour we worship thee.
Rejoice, for crying out we address thee:
Rejoice, O Wood most blessed.
Kontakion 11
Every hymn falleth short that would comprehend the multitude of thy many wonders; for though we should offer thee a multitude of praises, O precious Cross, we should do nothing worthy of what thou hast granted us; but still we cry: Alleluia.
Ikos 11
The radiance that giveth light doth this Life-giving Cross bestow upon them in darkness; for it hath shown us the immaterial light and hath lightened the way for all to divine knowledge; and being lifted up, it now lifteth up our minds, that we might chant these words:
Rejoice, luminary that shineth on them in darkness.
Rejoice, star that dawneth upon the world.
Rejoice, lightning that doth blind the enemies of Christ.
Rejoice, thunder that doth terrify the faithless.
Rejoice, for thou hast made radiant the choirs of the Orthodox.
Rejoice, for thou hast consumed the altars of idols.
Rejoice, thou whose form hath appeared from the heaven.
Rejoice, thou whose grace doth drive away evil.
Rejoice, thou that dost signify mortification of the flesh.
Rejoice, thou that dost slay the insurrection of the passions.
Rejoice, thou upon which Christ was crucified.
Rejoice, thou by which all the world was saved.
Rejoice, O Wood most blessed.
Kontakion 12
Having willed to grant grace unto men, Christ stretched His hands on the Wood, and doth call all the nations together, and doth grant the Kingdom of the Heavens to all that worthily sing the hymn, and faithfully cry: Alleluia.
Ikos 12
Chanting the hymn, out of love we praise thee as the living Wood of the Lord; for in the flesh being nailed upon thee, He that ruleth over the Powers on high hath sanctified, glorified, and taught us to cry these words unto thee:
Rejoice, O Cross, spiritual sword.
Rejoice, thou holy cynosure of the Saints.
Rejoice, prediction of the Prophets and Righteous.
Rejoice, thou brilliant stratagem of Christ.
Rejoice, beauty and crown of godly Kings.
Rejoice, strength and stronghold of reverent priests.
Rejoice, most noble jewel of truth.
Rejoice, fairest haven of salvation.
Rejoice, joyful splendour of all.
Rejoice, banishment of Hagar’s sons.
Rejoice, thou lamp of purest light.
Rejoice, thou gladness of my soul.
Rejoice, O Wood most blessed.
Kontakion 13
O most laudable Wood, which held the Word, the Most Holy of all holy beings, having received our entreaties, deliver from every calamity, and redeem from eternal torment, all them that cry:
Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
(Repeat the above Kontakion 13, 3 times)
(Then continue below)
Ikos 1
Angels from Heaven invisibly circle the life-bringing Cross in fear; and seeing it now brilliantly shed light-bestowing grace upon the faithful, amazed they stand and cry to it such words as these:
Rejoice, O Cross, guardian of the world.
Rejoice, the glory of the Church.
Rejoice, thou that dost bountifully gush forth with healings.
Rejoice, thou that dost enlighten the ends of the earth.
Rejoice, wood fragrant with life, and treasury of wonders.
Rejoice, fitly-joined, thrice-blessed, and bestower of graces.
Rejoice, for thou art the divine footstool.
Rejoice, for thou was ordained for the worship of all.
Rejoice, bowl of nectar, full to the brim.
Rejoice, torch of the radiance above.
Rejoice, thou through whom the creation is blessed.
Rejoice, thou through whom the Creator is worshipped.
Rejoice, O Wood most blessed.
Kontakion 1
Plagal of Fourth Tone. To thee, the Champion Leader O thou thrice-blessed and all-worshipful Cross of Christ, all we the faithful venerate and magnify thee, being joyous at thy divine Exaltation. But as the trophy and unconquered weapon that thou art, by thy grace, protect, cover, and shelter those who cry to thee:
Rejoice, O Wood most blessed.